Don't let funds stand in your way of a life-changing trip! Here are some great ways to start raising the money needed. Getting others involved in the process will also help build friendships as they share your involvement in missions. People who cannot, themselves, go into the mission field can still be a part of what God is doing through you. It will require some work on your part (and some help from your parents, guardian or pastor), but it can be done and be fun!

Here are a few ideas to help get you started with your fundraising… 



Hold a local business fundraiser

There are some businesses that hold fundraisers for you such as FIVE BELOW and CHIC-FIL-A. Research other local businesses online that may offer fundraisers. After picking a day for the event, you promote your fundraiser to others via flyers and social media. Then when they make a purchase from that business on that day using your flyer, a percentage of their total purchase will go towards your missions trip. 

organize a community event

You can get your youth group, church or group of friends together to help you raise money by doing car washes, bake sales (we suggest asking people to donate baked goods to you), rummage sales, etc. 

send out a fundraising request letter

We can send you an example letter upon request. You can then copy, print and mail it to your family members, friends, dentist, doctor, soccer coach, dance teacher, taekwondo instructor, archery instructor, etc. You'd be surprised how blessed people feel to give to missions.

host a candy sale

Contact local candy/chocolate companies such as SARRIS CANDIES or SEES CANDIES to see about boxed candy fundraisers. Sell it around your neighborhood, at local sporting events, at your parent's/guardian's place of employment and/or get permission to sell it in your school.

make a special request during your church service

Set up a meeting with the pastor or youth pastor of your church to request a brief promotion of your upcoming trip during your church service announcements and to take up an offering if possible. Make sure you have printed information on how to give to you set out on a table in the foyer for others to take with them. Be sure to greet church goers with a smile at your table following service and be ready to give them details of your trip!

host a meal or other special event

People love to eat! You can hold a spaghetti dinner, woman’s tea, progressive meal, or men’s steak dinner at your church or community center. Request food donations for the event as well as some prizes that can be raffled away (i.e. gift baskets, sports game tickets). You can also request donations for your entry fee to the event.